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Course 2: Project Types


In this course you will learn about the different project types that IBM Industry Solutions Workbench supports and you will also learn which type is the best fit for your purpose.


Estimated time: 15 minutes

In this exercise you will learn how to create a new Microservice project from scratch using the Solution Designer. Throughout the exercise, you will also explore some other capabilities of the Solution Designer.


Please note that the links to the workbench tools in this tutorial only apply to the IBM Education Environment we provide. If you are using a different environment, e.g. your own installation, you will need to navigate directly to the required tools.

Solution Designer Overview page​

  1. Open the Solution Designer.
  2. Login with your username and password.
  3. Now, you can discover the two sections of the Solution Designer in the left navigation, Workspaces and Projects Overview.

Create a new Project​

Create a new Workspace​

You will now have the chance to create your first workspace. It is recommended to use workspaces to organize your work, as they are a great way to structure your work into pieces with the same context.

ℹī¸If you already have your workspace in place

Please directly continue with Create a new project from scratch. If not, please process the following steps:

  1. Let's start creating your first workspace, by clicking on the "Create" button.

  2. Choose a workspace name of your choice, then click on the "Create" button to create a new workspace.

  3. You should now see your workspace created.

Create a new Project from scratch​

We will now create a new Microservice project from scratch that you can also use throughout the training for testing purposes.

  1. Open your workspace, click on the "Add" button, then click on "Create project from scratch".

  2. You will be asked to select a stack for your new Microservice. Depending on your preferences please choose between the following project types:

    • Domain Service Project
      • Java Spring Boot
      • TypeScript
    • Generic Service Project
      • Java Spring Boot
      • TypeScript
      • Javascript

  3. Now, you will be prompted to enter a set of meta data:

    • The Acronym is a technical identifier that needs to be unique within the system. To ensure that the acronym is unique, it is recommended to use your username as part of the acronym.
    • The Name is a more meaningful identifier for your project.
    • With Category you can define a project category for your service. Please choose one of the allowed options depending on your needs.
    • In the field Git Provider the remote Git needs to be defined in which the repository will be created. Please select your Git Provider of choice here.
    • The Repository Group defines the repository group in which the project will be created. Please select your group of choice here.
    • The Tags field allows you to specify tags for a project so that you can later on filter for them easily.
    • The Icon also helps you to find our project more easily, please choose an icon of your choice.
    • The Description text area allows you to describe your project.


    If you have chosen the Java Spring Boot as implementation language, you must also specify a Package name of your choice.

    Once you entered the meta data, check the checkbox "Open after creation" and click on the "Create" button.

🌟Good Job!

You have successfully created your first Mircoservice project with IBM Industry Solutions Workbench.

Edit Project Documentation​

Your project is now ready to be edited with the Solution Designer. In this exercise you will only edit the documentation of the project. To do this, please perform the following steps:

  1. Open the project overview by using the Navigation Menu.

  2. View the tab "General Information".

  3. Click on the tab content area to start the editing mode.


    A WYSIWYG text editor will be opened which provides various features to write proper documentation.
    If you prefer writing markdown syntax, you can easily switch to the markdown mode of the editor by using the button on the bottom right corner of the editor.

  4. Add some content to the "Purpose & Capabilities" section of the documentation e. g. "This is my first project".

  5. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.


The changes made in the documentation are now stored in the Solution Designer and visible for all users that work with the tool.

Commit and Push changes​

As a next step we want to commit the changes we made in the Solution Designer to our remote Git repository.

  1. Click on the button "Commit and Push" at the top right corner of the Solution Designer.
  2. Add a commit messsage inside the opened sidebar and click on "Commit and Push".

Your first changes are now commited and pushed to your remote Git repository in Gitlab.

Please find more information about the project types: